جنون المعلوماتية - تقدم لكم احسن المواضيع المنقولة من مواقع اخرى في جميع المجالات مع ذكر المصدر لتسهيل عمليات بحثكم وايجاد المواقع التي تساعدكم مستقبلا
Acronis True Image creates backups of important data, individual partitions or entire hard-drives. With those backups at hand, mistakenly deleted files or hard-drive defects are of little concern. TrueImage features scheduled backups and synchronization of images on hard-disks, NAS systems, USB drives and over the web. As soon as a change is made to the original image the data is replicated to the configured devices. True Image supports SSD Drives and hard-disks larger than 2TB.
.Supported File Systems: FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux SWAP, ReiserFS, Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 ...
Supported Storage Media: Hard-Disks, Network Storage, CD/DVD, Blue Ray Recordable, ZIP, Jaz, FTP servers, Windows Dynamic Disks, GPT volumes, Firewire and USB Drives ...