exercice about Periodic Table
Exercise 1 :
1- Establish the electron configuration of nitrogen (7N).
2- Using the rules of Slater, calculate the effective atomic number for each
electron of the atom of nitrogen to the ground state.
3. Calculate the energy of the atom.
Exercise 2:
Establish the electron configuration in their ground state atoms of the following:
a-Si (Z = 14), b Mn (Z = 25), c- Rb (Z = 37), dS (16), e Cu (29), d- Hg (Z = 80).
Specify the valence shell for each item. Represent them by quantum boxes.
Infer their positions in the periodic table. How each family belongs
element ?
Exercise 3
: Identify the following (specifying the electronic structure and Z):
1- elements of the fourth period which has three valence shell electrons
single. Are they transition metals? Why ?
2- An element located in the same column as the nitrogen (Z = 7) and belongs to the fourth period.
3- An element belongs to the group IVB and 5th period.
4- An atom in its ground state has two electrons on the 5p underlay.
5- An element belonging to the 6th period in the 17th column.
6- A rare gas having the same period as chlorine (Z = 17).
7- electron from the highest level of an atom is defined by: n = 3, l = 1, m = -1, s = + 1/2
Exercise 4:
Establish the electron configuration in their ground state, the following ions:
O-2 (Z = 8), Cl (Z = 17), Se-2 (Z = 34), Al + 3 (Z = 13), Ni + 2 (Z = 28), Ca2 + (Z = 20) .
Exercise 5:
Sort items: 19K, 30Zn, 35Br and 37Rb in descending order of:
a-atomic radius, b-First ionization energy (Ei), ie Electronegativity (EN).
Exercise 6:
It gives the ionization energy and the electron affinity of halogen:
Ei (eV) F: 17.4 Cl: Br 13: 11.8 I 10.5
A (eV) F: -3.8 CI: -3.61 Br: -3.58 I: -3.44
Comment on the evolution of these two parameters.
Calculate and compare EN each halogen in the scale of Mulliken.
The results obtained are they in agreement with the direction of change of ON in a column of the
Periodic Table?